Make Your Own Body Butter

It seems that with every pregnancy, I developed a new ailment. With the first, my sense of smell intensified, and I’d get massive headaches around strong and artificial smells. During my second pregnancy, I experienced whole-body acne, and my everyday, regular go-to products were causing breakouts. With my third pregnancy, I developed eczema—specifically on the hands. 

Each pregnancy exposed a new heightened sensitivity. And since most commercial products contain chemicals that agitated and intensified my new ailments, I resorted to making my own moisturizer.

After months of research and trial and error, I crafted a body butter recipe that leaves my body feeling refreshed and doesn’t agitate any of my sensitivities. 

How to Make Natural Body Butter


  • 1.5 oz of Shea Butter

  • 1.2 oz of Cocoa Butter

  • 1.8 oz of Coconut Oil

  • 2 oz of Sweet Almond Oil

  • .5 oz of Beeswax

  • 1/4 tsp of Vitamin E Antioxidant 

  • 45 to 65 drops of essential oil

Tools Needed

  • Double boiler

  • Large bowl

  • Mixer (handheld or stand)

  • Wooden spoon or other stirrer

  • Kitchen scale

  • Measuring cups

  • Empty and clean jar


Step #1 - Warm your double boiler and weigh the ingredients

Place your double boiler over medium heat, bringing the water to a low-to-medium simmer. While the water warms, measure out the shea butter, cocoa butter, coconut oil, sweet almond oil, beeswax, and vitamin E antioxidants on the kitchen scale and with measuring cups.

Step #2 - Combine measured ingredients in double boiler

Once all your ingredients are weighed and measured accurately, put them in the double boiler. Allow the mixture to melt completely, stirring occasionally.

Step #3 - Add essential oils

Once the ingredients are melted, add the drops of essential oil to the mix and stir well.

Step #4 - Allow the mixture to cool and harden

Remove the melted mixture from the heat and pour into the large bowl. Let it sit until it is cool and solidified. 

Tip: Place the bowl inside a fridge to speed up the cooling process. 

Step #5 - Whip your body butter

After the mixture has cooled and solidified, use your handheld or stand mixer to whip the body butter. Continue mixing until the texture of the body butter is creamy with no chunks present. When ready, the butter will have a lighter complexion. 

The mixing process can take 5 to 30 minutes, depending on how hard the butter is after cooling. 

Step #6 - Bottle your body butter 

When your body butter is thoroughly whipped, you can use an ice cream scooper or spoon to put it in a bottle. A single batch can fill the majority of a 16 oz container. 

Step #7 - Store in a cool and dark location

Since this body butter can melt and has no preservatives, it lasts longer when stored in a cool and dark location. 

Tip: Avoid getting water in this body butter. With no preservatives, it can potentially grow harmful bacteria if not handled or stored correctly. 

Making this natural body butter can be a tedious and time-consuming process. However, once you have the ingredients in your home, you can save a couple of bucks by making it yourself. Plus, there’s a sense of peace that comes with knowing what you’re putting on and in your body. 

Nevertheless, if you want to enjoy the benefits of using a natural moisturizer without making it yourself, you can purchase it from our shop. 

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